CS455 - AI
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CS455 - AI
Projects from the class I took on Artificial Intelligence. (in Unity).
M1-PR1 - Seek and Flee
This adds seek/flee behavior to the example project
that we started as our first assignment.
This is an extension of the demo projectcubethon.
This demo uses the "A" and "D" keys.

M1-PR2 - Kinematic Movement, Movement Behaviors Demo
This demo shows various movement behaviors implemented in Unity. These movement behaviors include, Align, Arrive, Face, Path Follow, Pursue, Seek, Separate, and Wander.
M1-PR4 - Kinematic Movement, Dynamic Movement, and Obstacle Avoidance
For this assignment, we were tasked with combining our movement behaviors using
flocking. The main purpose of flocking is to create more complicated movements by combining/prioritizing
different behaviors.
The objective in this game is to get the squares in their respective zones.
The squares will run away from the white one, while avoiding the walls.
This demo uses the position of the mouse on screen for controls.

M2-PR1 - Pathfinding
For this assignment, we were tasked with implementing Djikstra's algorithm with tactical pathfinding.
This means that the pathfinder would add weight to a node for reasons other than distance.
One use of this is for terrain or other barriers that would slow the actor down if using distance only.
This demo uses the mouse, click on a node to pathfind to it.

M2-PR 1.2 - Nav Meshes
This assignment uses the nav-mesh system in unity. it includes off-mesh jumps, and vertical elements.
This demo uses the mouse, click on a location to pathfind to it.

M2-PR3 - Behavior Trees
This assignment uses behavior (decision) trees in order to determine the tasks/task order of an AI agent.
The controls for this demo are on-screen.

M3-DV1 - Machine Learning
This assignment has us use machine learning for a go to target algorithm.